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Rogue Traders and Scams

Rogue Traders and Fraudsters are an unwanted feature of everyone’s life. Most of us have received uninvited approaches by email, letter, telephone or in person. These may involve fake lotteries, deceptive prize draws or sweepstakes, clairvoyants, computer scams, romance scams and many others. Bogus callers, rogue traders and unscrupulous sales people knock on doors, looking to target vulnerable people.

Through embarrassment and shame, many victims of fraud suffer in secret. It’s an important message that EVERYONE is vulnerable, however financially savvy and confident they may consider themselves. The more vulnerable in our communities are targetted continuously. Older people are at particular risk as fraudsters often target them on the assumption that they have more money than younger people; loneliness and isolation may add to their vulnerability.

The Police and other groups and organisations work hard to reach the vulnerable with advice and education, but their efforts can be helped enormously if communities heed advice to protect themselves, and help by looking out for their neighbours.

Thames Valley Police has an ongoing programme under the title ‘Operation Gauntlet’ (#OpGauntlet). Working with Trading Standards, Chiltern and South Bucks Community Safety Partnership and other partners, they visit communities and hold events to educate and inform on scams and how to avoid becoming a victim.

Below we give information on various forms of fraud and scam – click on the headings to reveal more. It cannot be an exhaustive list, and we intend to develop content over time. If there is information you feel we should be including, please feel free to contact us with your idea.

Doorstep Fraudsters including ‘Nottingham Knockers’

Postal Scams

‘Phishing’ and ‘Vishing’

Telephone Fraud involving Voucher Purchases

Courier Fraud, Bogus Police and Bank Officials

Cryptocurrency Trading

‘Sextortion’ Scams

Romance Fraud

Pension Scams

Recent News from Action Fraud

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