Missendens, let’s do something about Speeding!
Tuesday, October 24th, 2023
Residents are invited to meet Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Barber, from 6.30pm on Tuesday 7th November, at the Great Missenden Memorial Hall.
The meeting has been organised by the Missendens Community Board and the Chiltern & South Bucks Policing Issues Forum (‘the Forum’). Speeding will be the main focus. But it will also be a timely opportunity to discuss with the Commissioner local policing, changes promised by his ‘Crimefighters’ strategy, and reorganisation of Thames Valley Police (TVP).
Meeting Agenda
Welcome by Councillor Peter Martin, Chair of Missendens Community Board.
‘Local Policing and Crimefighters strategy’ – Matthew Barber, Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner.
‘The relaunched Community Speedwatch’ – Matthew Barber, introducing:
‘Community Speedwatch’ – PC Lee Turnham, TVP lead, Community Speedwatch; Sgt Darren Walsh, TVP Neighbourhood Policing; Paul Egan, lead, Prestwood & Great Missenden Community Speedwatch scheme.
Further Q&A and closing comments.
The standout feature of the Forum’s most recent survey was the increase in concerns expressed by residents of all neighbourhoods on Speeding.
Survey of Residents’ Concerns July 2023
For the Missendens, however, this was the sixth successive survey in which speeding was voted the #1 concern, stretching back two years. Comments focus on the A413 and the A4128, but there are concerns also in residential areas.

Community Speedwatch (CSW) (https://www.communityspeedwatch.org/) has had a significant relaunch, to which the Commissioner’s office has provided active support. Improved systems and procedures offer the tools for the public to contribute meaningfully in their neighbourhoods. Former frustrations of CSW members, especially not knowing what is done with their data, have been addressed.
PC Lee Turnham, Thames Valley Police lead on Community Speedwatch, and our local Neighbourhood Sergeant Darren Walsh, will attend. They will help residents to understand the relaunched CSW, and how residents can contribute to making the Missendens safer by joining existing schemes, or setting up new ones.
Police enforcement cannot be the sole means of targetting speeding in our area. Resourcing is a constraint at the Neighbourhood level, and Roads Policing focuses mainly on the major arteries. Policing resources alone will never be able to supply the consistent coverage of neighbourhoods that committed Speedwatch groups can achieve.
The organisers want this to be an interactive meeting, and residents are invited to come with their own thoughts and ideas.
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