Sadly, the annual TVP force Open Day planned for Saturday 10 August had to be cancelled due to the prospect of inclement weather involving potentially dangerously strong winds.
Sadly, the annual TVP force Open Day planned for Saturday 10 August had to be cancelled due to the prospect of inclement weather involving potentially dangerously strong winds.
Community Safety activities and notices: Plogging/ National Bike Week/ Neighbourhood Watch Week/ Safe Place Scheme/ Scam and Crime Awareness/ No Cold Calling Areas/ Rural Spotters Scheme
Community Safety activities and notices: Plogging/ National Bike Week/ Neighbourhood Watch Week/ Safe Place Scheme/ Scam and Crime Awareness/ No Cold Calling Areas/ Rural Spotters Scheme
The latest quarterly Neighbourhood Policing newsletter for Amersham, the Chalfonts and the Missendens. This reports on actions taken in pursuit of the priorities set down by Chiltern residents through Chiltern Community Forum.
The latest quarterly Neighbourhood Policing newsletter for Amersham, the Chalfonts and the Missendens. This reports on actions taken in pursuit of the priorities set down by Chiltern residents through Chiltern Community Forum.
Seeking to make the countryside a safer place for all, a new team of volunteers on horseback will engage with the rural community in Chiltern and South Bucks, and assist in rural and equine crime prevention.
Seeking to make the countryside a safer place for all, a new team of volunteers on horseback will engage with the rural community in Chiltern and South Bucks, and assist in rural and equine crime prevention.
Community Safety activities and notices: Scams Awareness and Operation Gauntlet/ Safe Place Scheme/ Counterfeit Goods seizure/ Dementia Action Week/ Burglary Prevention/ Defibrillator Registration/ CAB Chiltern Volunteers Session
Community Safety activities and notices: Scams Awareness and Operation Gauntlet/ Safe Place Scheme/ Counterfeit Goods seizure/ Dementia Action Week/ Burglary Prevention/ Defibrillator Registration/ CAB Chiltern Volunteers Session
We explain why Burglary, Drugs dealing and misuse and Rogue Traders were selected as the top 3 priorities for Chiltern neighbourhood policing team during the summer months. And we identify how other common concerns are being addressed.
We explain why Burglary, Drugs dealing and misuse and Rogue Traders were selected as the top 3 priorities for Chiltern neighbourhood policing team during the summer months. And we identify how other common concerns are being addressed.