The Street Association delivers free awareness raising workshops to help residents identify and react to some important issues. It is inviting local organisations and groups to submit requests for training sessions from a remarkably diverse list.
The Street Association delivers free awareness raising workshops to help residents identify and react to some important issues. It is inviting local organisations and groups to submit requests for training sessions from a remarkably diverse list.
The Forum is delighted to support CAB Chiltern in its efforts to raise funds to maintain its Advice at Home service.
The Forum is delighted to support CAB Chiltern in its efforts to raise funds to maintain its Advice at Home service.
How well do we know our PCSOs? As the most visible consistent police presence around our neighbourhoods, they are essential ‘eyes and ears’ within the community.
How well do we know our PCSOs? As the most visible consistent police presence around our neighbourhoods, they are essential ‘eyes and ears’ within the community.
Community Safety activities and notices including survey for new Safer Buckinghamshire Community Safety Partnership, Safeguarding, Friends against Scams, Neighbourhood Watch, No Doorstep Selling zones, Safe Place Scheme, Sexual Assault & Abuse Support Service, Money Sense workshop, bike marking.
Community Safety activities and notices including survey for new Safer Buckinghamshire Community Safety Partnership, Safeguarding, Friends against Scams, Neighbourhood Watch, No Doorstep Selling zones, Safe Place Scheme, Sexual Assault & Abuse Support Service, Money Sense workshop, bike marking.
A new Safer Buckinghamshire Community Safety Partnership will come into effect on April 1st. All residents are invited to complete a survey to help in its goal to reduce crime, anti-social behaviour and drug and alcohol misuse across the county.
A new Safer Buckinghamshire Community Safety Partnership will come into effect on April 1st. All residents are invited to complete a survey to help in its goal to reduce crime, anti-social behaviour and drug and alcohol misuse across the county.
FREE online training is available to enable citizens to understand what actions they can take safely to help reduce the threat terrorism and thereby other crime.
FREE online training is available to enable citizens to understand what actions they can take safely to help reduce the threat terrorism and thereby other crime.