Fresh Start for Community Speedwatch in Thames Valley

A paradigm shift in the way that Community Speedwatch operates within Thames Valley seeks to change the perception and management of community volunteers’ involvement with road safety.
A paradigm shift in the way that Community Speedwatch operates within Thames Valley seeks to change the perception and management of community volunteers’ involvement with road safety.

Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Call for Evidence

Call for evidence by the Home Office has been reopened to reflect the recent public discussion about Violence Against Women and Girls. Open to everyone 16 or over.
Call for evidence by the Home Office has been reopened to reflect the recent public discussion about Violence Against Women and Girls. Open to everyone 16 or over.

Buckinghamshire Community Safety Newsletter Spring 2021

Buckinghamshire Community Safety news including advice and information on vaccination scams, romance fraud, spring garden crime, rural crime, Safer Internet Day, domestic abuse, Travel Safe Bucks, National Child Exploitation Awareness Day, National Stalking Awareness Week, modern slavery and Street Associations.
Buckinghamshire Community Safety news including advice and information on vaccination scams, romance fraud, spring garden crime, rural crime, Safer Internet Day, domestic abuse, Travel Safe Bucks, National Child Exploitation Awareness Day, National Stalking Awareness Week, modern slavery and Street Associations.