Another appeal for residents to REPORT concerns, in this case incidents of reckless and extreme antisocial night time behaviour by drivers
Another appeal for residents to REPORT concerns, in this case incidents of reckless and extreme antisocial night time behaviour by drivers
The Domestic Abuse Commissioner wants to hear from people who have suffered domestic abuse, to improve privision of services. Survey open till February 14th.
The Domestic Abuse Commissioner wants to hear from people who have suffered domestic abuse, to improve privision of services. Survey open till February 14th.
Extract from Thames Valley Alert, 23rd January 2022 Criminals are changing how they work With changes in technology, offenders no longer have to enter your house to steal a car. Keyless car crime has become a huge problem with many of the public unaware of the risks. Top Tips Use your garage – if you …
Continue reading “Combatting Keyless Car Crime”
Thames Valley Alert explaining how we can better protect vulnerable members of our community from scam phone calls.
Thames Valley Alert explaining how we can better protect vulnerable members of our community from scam phone calls.
Details of the current consultation over a proposed increase in precept to fund Thames Valley Police. The Forum encourages all residents to participate.
Details of the current consultation over a proposed increase in precept to fund Thames Valley Police. The Forum encourages all residents to participate.
Detailed winter Rural Crime newsletter issued by Sgt Darren Walsh. Includes crime prevention tips and news of a new WhatsApp group
Detailed winter Rural Crime newsletter issued by Sgt Darren Walsh. Includes crime prevention tips and news of a new WhatsApp group