Measures we take to improve our home security can help deter burglars. Some tips from Thames Valley Neighbourhood Alert on what to look for when installing a burglar alarm.
Measures we take to improve our home security can help deter burglars. Some tips from Thames Valley Neighbourhood Alert on what to look for when installing a burglar alarm.
Doorstep sellers, rogue traders and ‘Nottingham Knockers’ can be a nuisance but worse, can be very intimidating. Practical advice for dealing with unwanted callers.
Doorstep sellers, rogue traders and ‘Nottingham Knockers’ can be a nuisance but worse, can be very intimidating. Practical advice for dealing with unwanted callers.
Residential Burglary is routinely the #1 concern in Chiltern Community Forum surveys. TVP’s new Home Security Guide has advice and tips on making your home more secure and reducing your risk of falling victim.
Residential Burglary is routinely the #1 concern in Chiltern Community Forum surveys. TVP’s new Home Security Guide has advice and tips on making your home more secure and reducing your risk of falling victim.
From 1 April 2019, non-household waste will be charged at Bucks CC recycling centres. Some answers to “What is non-household waste?” “How much will I be charged? ” “Won’t it add to flytipping?”
From 1 April 2019, non-household waste will be charged at Bucks CC recycling centres. Some answers to “What is non-household waste?” “How much will I be charged? ” “Won’t it add to flytipping?”
Thames Valley Police will be taking part in a variety of activities between 11th and 17th March, designed to challenge and reduce the threat of knife crime.
Thames Valley Police will be taking part in a variety of activities between 11th and 17th March, designed to challenge and reduce the threat of knife crime.
News of Community Safety’s activities: #KnowThisIsntLove campaign/ L&Q Housing Association Training Day/ Scams Awareness and Operation Gauntlet/ Safe Place Scheme/ Rural Crime Prevention Week
News of Community Safety’s activities: #KnowThisIsntLove campaign/ L&Q Housing Association Training Day/ Scams Awareness and Operation Gauntlet/ Safe Place Scheme/ Rural Crime Prevention Week