With the success of previously announced pilots, a new Community Speedwatch system will be rolled out across the Thames Valley Police area.
With the success of previously announced pilots, a new Community Speedwatch system will be rolled out across the Thames Valley Police area.
Rural crime update from TVP: Countrywatch, Working with the Travelling Community, new WhatsApp group, Crime Trends, Businesses Against Scams
Rural crime update from TVP: Countrywatch, Working with the Travelling Community, new WhatsApp group, Crime Trends, Businesses Against Scams
Article by Sgt Dan Ryder updating community on initiatives including disrupting criminals through traffic patrols. Request to residents to help by sharing info on TVP Chiltern & S Bucks social media accounts.
Article by Sgt Dan Ryder updating community on initiatives including disrupting criminals through traffic patrols. Request to residents to help by sharing info on TVP Chiltern & S Bucks social media accounts.
Are you a horse rider, interested in helping keep an aye out on behalf of your local community? Details of Introduction to Rural Spotters event on September 7th.
Are you a horse rider, interested in helping keep an aye out on behalf of your local community? Details of Introduction to Rural Spotters event on September 7th.
Congratulations to PCSOs Jacqueline Day, Jen Shrager and Lesley Roche for their recent Commendations. Here are the inspiring stories behind their awards.
Congratulations to PCSOs Jacqueline Day, Jen Shrager and Lesley Roche for their recent Commendations. Here are the inspiring stories behind their awards.
Includes video, in which newly elected PCC Matthew Barber explains the five strands of his Police & Criminal Justice Plan. Point 1 is a focus on strong local (including Neighbourhood) policing.
Includes video, in which newly elected PCC Matthew Barber explains the five strands of his Police & Criminal Justice Plan. Point 1 is a focus on strong local (including Neighbourhood) policing.