Details of the current consultation over a proposed increase in precept to fund Thames Valley Police. The Forum encourages all residents to participate.
Details of the current consultation over a proposed increase in precept to fund Thames Valley Police. The Forum encourages all residents to participate.
Detailed winter Rural Crime newsletter issued by Sgt Darren Walsh. Includes crime prevention tips and news of a new WhatsApp group
Detailed winter Rural Crime newsletter issued by Sgt Darren Walsh. Includes crime prevention tips and news of a new WhatsApp group
How the Forum has facilitated engagement between residents and Police over the past four years, and thanking residents for their inputs.
How the Forum has facilitated engagement between residents and Police over the past four years, and thanking residents for their inputs.
An unpleasant incident on the Forum’s November meeting reminds us of the need to protect ourselves proactively against hackers and cyber crime.
An unpleasant incident on the Forum’s November meeting reminds us of the need to protect ourselves proactively against hackers and cyber crime.
Invitation to free webinar providing in-depth view on County Lines, Tuesday 9th November
Invitation to free webinar providing in-depth view on County Lines, Tuesday 9th November
Update on the creation of a Rural Crime Task Force.
Update on the creation of a Rural Crime Task Force.