Chiltern & South Bucks Policing Issues Forum works closely with Thames Valley Police and residents. Our shared goal is to bring together organisations and the Community to reduce crime and the fear of crime, tackle anti-social behaviour and improve the quality of life for people in Chiltern District.
The Forum supports the process for identifying and setting areas of focus for the Chiltern & South Bucks LPA Neighbourhood Police teams, and provides a platform for meaningful engagement between local residents and Neighbourhood Police teams.
We also promote community engagement, and encourage involvement by individuals, businesses and other stakeholders within the area.
For questions relating to the process of setting Focus areas, to working with the Forum, or with questions or feedback relating to the website, please contact us on
The lists of contact details below will point you in the right direction to report or request assistance for specific crime-related and other concerns.
Should I call 999 or 101?
In an emergency please telephone 999.
You should use this number if:
- A crime is happening right now.
- Someone is in immediate danger, or there is a risk of serious damage to property.
- A suspect for a serious crime is nearby.
- There is a traffic collision involving injury or danger to other road users.
If you are deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, a text phone is available on 18000.
Non-emergency calls
For all other calls to the police please telephone 101, or use the 101 online service.
You should use this non-emergency route to:
- Report a crime not currently in progress – for example a stolen car, burglary, or damaged property.
- Give information to the police about crime in your area.
- Speak to the police about a general enquiry.
- Contact a specific police officer or member of staff.
Police.UK: Information about calling 101
If you are deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, a text phone is available on 18001 101.
Online Guidance and Reporting
The links below are to pages on the Thames Valley Police website, offering guidance and, where appropriate, online reporting tools, for specific crimes and concerns.
Report a Road Traffic Incident
Civil disputes: Unless a crime has been committed or someone is in immediate danger, the police are unlikely to intervene in civil disputes. Advice on groups and organisations who CAN help, in instances including disputes with a neighbour, ex-partner/spouse, shop/vendor, debtor/bailiff, trespasser.
Lost or stolen vehicles: advice on how you can start by checking where you left it, check with the Council, and in worst case, report it stolen.
Buckinghamshire Council’s Community Safety team works alongside numerous agencies, including:
- Thames Valley Police
- Buckinghamshire County Council including Public Health
- Thames Valley Probation
- Community Rehabilitation Company (MTCNovo)
- Chiltern Clinical Commissioning Group
- Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service
- Town and Parish Councils
- Local Community Groups, such as Residents’ Associations, Watch Schemes, etc
- Voluntary Organisations
The Community Safety team administers directly, and can advise on the following schemes:
‘Ask for Angela‘: raising awareness of sexual harrassment, violence and abuse in bars and pubs.
The Safe Place Scheme: signing up shops, businesses and public buildings to vulnerable people a short term ‘Safe Place’ to go if they are feeling confused, scared or upset when out and about in their local town.
Contacting Buckinghamshire Council Community Safety teams:
Phone and e-mail:
Chiltern area: 01494 586535
South Bucks area: 01494 586535
Wycombe area: 01494 421117
Aylesbury area: 01296 585858
You should contact Buckinghamshire Council about issues such as:
- Dog control including fouling
- Abandoned vehicles
- Dumping and fly tipping
- Vandalism of public property
- Graffiti: the Council has no legal obligation or responsibility to remove graffiti on commercial premises or private property. You can, however, report racist or offensive graffiti and all attempts will be made to ensure its removal as soon as possible.
Other Useful Contacts
Victims First: provides confidential and free emotional and practical support to all victims and witnesses of crime as well as family members of victims, regardless of whether or not the crime has been reported to the police. Phone: 0300 1234 148. Website: Victims First.
Chiltern Citizens Advice: Phone 01494 545991. Website: An essential local charity, providing help and advice to residents. Top areas of advice/help in 2017/18 were benefits and tax credits; debt; housing; employment; and relationships and family. Centres in Chesham and Amersham, free visit services to over-65s in Chesham and Amersham areas, also outreach work.
CAB’s extremely useful list of emergency telephone numbers:
Friends Against Scams: is a National Trading Standards (NTS) Scams Team initiative, which aims to protect and prevent people from becoming victims of scams by empowering communities to “Take a Stand Against Scams”. Website:
NB Friends Against Scams is not a reporting or advice service. To report a scam or suspicious activity please contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or visit
Street Associations: bringing together local residents who want to make their community stronger, friendlier and more supportive and thereby more resilient. The Street Association model in Buckinghamshire is a Bucks County Council initiative and has been developed with funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner. Contact Bucks CC Communities team.
Buckinghamshire & Surrey Trading Standards: through enforcement and advice, the work of trading standards has much to do with keeping communities safe. The website is an invaluable resource on scams and rogue traders, as well as offering useful advice to consumers and businesses.
NFU/Crimestoppers Rural Crime Reporting Line: for farmers and the public to give information anonymously about rural crime. Focus in particular on large-scale, industrial fly-tipping, hare coursing, livestock theft and machinery theft. Call 0800 783 0137 or visit
Read NFU Mutual Rural Crime Report 2018
Roads: we know from our contacts with residents that roads are a common concern. Problems should be reported to Bucks County Council: Bucks County Council: Report a Highways Problem.